The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft's continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives,
The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft's continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives,
The growth of XML content management applications is boosting the demand for XSLT and XPath skills. This beginning Wrox book provides a firm foundation in the XSLT processing model, giving developers an important skillset. If, like many developers,
The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft's continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives,
英文版的,呵呵 The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft's continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initi
The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft's continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives,
The release of the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (and Visual C++ .NET in particular) has underscored Microsoft’s increasing focus on Internet technologies, which are at the heart of the Microsoft .NET architecture. In addition to supporting the .NET
vc++技术内幕(最新版) The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft's continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform
1 Introduction and scope 2 Reasoning: goal trees and problem solving 3 Reasoning: goal trees and rule-based expert systems 4 Search: depth-first, hill climbing, beam 5 Search: optimal, branch and bound, A* 6 Search: games, minimax, and alpha-beta 7
This book is your guide to fast gradient boosting in Python. You will discover the XGBoost Python library for gradient boosting and how to use it to develop and evaluate gradient boosting models. In this book you will discover the techniques, recipe