

  1. Java邮件开发Fundamentals of the JavaMail API

  2. Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials ibm.com/developerWorks Table of Contents If you're viewing this document online, you can click any of the topics below to link directly to that section. 1.
  3. 所属分类:Java

    • 发布日期:2010-01-15
    • 文件大小:73728
    • 提供者:hexiang221
  1. php Zend Framework 中文 手册 chm

  2. php Zend Framework 中文 手册 chm版 比较详细。 . Zend Framework简介 1.1. 概述 1.2. 安装 2. Zend_Acl 2.1. 简介 2.1.1. 关于资源(Resource) 2.1.2. 关于角色(Role) 2.1.3. 创建访问控制列表(ACL) 2.1.4. 注册角色(Role) 2.1.5. 定义访问控制 2.1.6. 查询 ACL 2.2. 精细的访问控制 2.2.1. 精细的访问控制 2.2.2. 除去访问控制 2.3. 高级用法
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    • 发布日期:2010-04-29
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  1. zend framework 中文手册 chm 最新版

  2. php Zend Framework 中文 手册 chm版 比较详细。 . Zend Framework简介 1.1. 概述 1.2. 安装 2. Zend_Acl 2.1. 简介 2.1.1. 关于资源(Resource) 2.1.2. 关于角色(Role) 2.1.3. 创建访问控制列表(ACL) 2.1.4. 注册角色(Role) 2.1.5. 定义访问控制 2.1.6. 查询 ACL 2.2. 精细的访问控制 2.2.1. 精细的访问控制 2.2.2. 除去访问控制 2.3. 高级用法
  3. 所属分类:PHP

    • 发布日期:2010-09-09
    • 文件大小:2097152
    • 提供者:sunmy520
  1. Lcc C Compiler

  2. aWhat's new in the new version of lcc-win ---------------------------------------- Dec 3: Added SphericalBesselY + SphericalBesselK + SphericalBesselJ to the special functions package. Updated the documentation. Dec 2: Fixed problems with comparison
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  1. John.Wiley.&.Sons.Data.Structures.and.Algorithms.Using.Python.2011.pdf

  2. Contents Preface xiii Chapter 1: Abstract Data Types 1 1.1 Introduction...... . 1 1.1.1 Abstractions..... . 2 1.1.2 Abstract Data Types.... . . 3 1.1.3 Data Structures..... 5 1.1.4 General Definitions.... . . . 6 1.2 The Date Abstract Data Type....
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  1. php_manual_zh

  2. 目录 前言 作者和贡献者 作者与编辑 用户注释维护者 I. 入门指引 1. 简介 PHP 是什么? PHP 能做什么? 2. 简明教程 需要些什么? 第一个 PHP 页面 实用的脚本 处理表单 在新版本的 PHP 中使用旧的 PHP 代码 下一步做什么? II. 安装与配置 1. 安装前需要考虑的事项 2. Unix 系统下的安装 Unix 系统下的 Apache 1.3.x Unix 系统下的 Apache 2.0 Caudium 服务器 fhttpd 服务器 Sun Solaris 上的
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  1. (开发iPhone必学图书)Sams.Programming.in.C.Jul.2003.pdf

  2. THE C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE WAS pioneered by Dennis Ritchie at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the early 1970s. It was not until the late 1970s, however, that this pro- gramming language began to gain widespread popularity and support.This was because unti
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  1. TensorFlow.js Machine Learning for the Web and Beyond.pdf

  2. TensorFlow.js, Google 提供的基于TensorFlow的Javascr ipt库。方便使用JS的开发者使用,并且可以为未来的边缘计算提供支持。TensorFlow. js: Machine Learning for the Web and beyond acceleration, notably TensorFire(Kwok et al., 2017), Propel Layers APl, which provides higher-level model buildin
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  1. c run -time library reference.pdf

  2. 微软官方资料的资料, c run time library reference pdf。
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  1. An Introduction to C & GUI Programming (2019).pdf

  2. The first part of this book is an introduction to programming in C for absolute beginners; the second part shows how to use C to create desktop applications for Raspbian, using the GTK toolkit. You don’t need any programming experience, and a Raspber
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  1. CUBLAS_Library.pdf

  2. cuda9.0里面的cublas文档,对于cuda开发从业人士非常必要基础的一本小册子,不可错过Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The cuBlaS library is an implementation of BLAS(Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms on top of the NvIDIACUDA runtime It allows the user to access the computational resources of NVIDI
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  1. Xu et al. - 2019 - Making Big Data Open in Edges A Resource-Efficien.pdf

  2. 论文 - Making Big Data Open in Edges: A Resource-Efficient Blockchain-Based Approach872 lEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS. VOL 30. NO. 4. APRIL 2019 mobile edge computing collaboration in 5G ecosystem. The and the throughput can ach
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  1. Python Programming Fundamentals.pdf.pdf

  2. Python Programming Fundamentals.pdfKent d. lee Python Programming Fundamentals ②S pringer Dr. Kent d. I Dept. Computer Science Luther college College Drive 700 52101 Decorah IA USA kentdlee luther. edu Series editor Ian mackie Advisory board Samson
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  1. oracle-c-call-interface-programmers-guide(19c).pdf

  2. C++连接Oracle 19c数据库的官方文档。 基于标准C ++和面向对象的范例,OCCI旨在提高开发Oracle数据库应用程序的生产力和质量。 OCCI正在成功用于客户端 - 服务器,中间层和复杂对象建模应用程序。 OCCI是访问Oracle对象关系功能(如对象类型,继承,关系和集合)的自然界面。对象在OCCI中表示为C ++类实例,从而实现应用程序和数据库之间的无缝集成。具有客户端对象缓存的导航访问方法提供了完整的数据库透明性。Contents Preface Audience Do
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  2. In Depth In this chapter, I’m going to take a look at the support Perl offers for interprocess communication (IPC). As far as an operating system is concerned, a process is a running job that has its own execution resources, including share of CPU ti
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  1. Tutorials - Application Timer .pdf

  2. Nordic BLE 开发资料,介绍App Timer的应用步骤方法,架构等等!对于蓝牙开发非常有帮助!26/04/2016 Tutorials- Nordic Developer Zone Now go to Project-> Options for target .->C/C++. From there, add the following directories to the Include paths A.\\\\components\ drivers nrf\clock
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  1. An-Introduction-to-Ray-Tracing.pdf

  2. An-Introduction-to-Ray-Tracing-The-Morgan-Kaufmann-Series-in-Computer-Graphics-.pdfAn Introduction to Ray Tracing Edited by ANDREW S. GLASSNER Xerox PArc 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto ca 94304 USA ACADEMIC PRESS Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publisher
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  1. oracle-c-call-interface-programmers-guide.pdf(18c)

  2. Oracle C++调用接口 -- OCCI 即 Oracle C++ Call Interface OCCI 是Oracle 的C++ API, 允许你使用面向对象的特性、本地类、C++语言的方法来访问Oracle数据库 Contents Preface Audience Documentation Accessibility Related documents Conventions Changes in This Release for Oracle C++ Call Interface
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  1. PyTorch官方文档.pdf

  2. PyTorch官方文档,详细介绍了pytorch的使用。Notes 1 Autograd mechanics 2 CUDA semantics 7 3 Extending Py tor 4 Multiprocessing best practices 5 Serialization semantics 17 6 torch 19 7 torch Tensor 8 torch. Storage orch.nn 113 10 torch.nn. functional 167 torch.nn. in
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  1. c-run-time-library-reference.pdf

  2. 详细介绍了Visual C的iostream流和运行库,并用典型实例说明其用法,是关于Visual C应用开发的重要参考书。 共分两大部分:第一部分为iostream类参考,包括iostream编程和iostream类库按字母顺序参考两章;第二部分为运行库参考,包括运行库例程分类、全局变量和标准类型、全局常量、调试版C运行库和运行类库字母顺序参考等
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    • 提供者:spacewing1
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