oracl 和db2 常用语法比较: 1、取前N条记录 Oracle:Select * from TableName where rownum <= N; DB2:Select * from TableName fetch first N rows only; 2、取得系统日期 Oracle:Select sysdate from dual; DB2:Select current timestamp from sysibm.sysdummy1; 3、空值转换 Oracle:Select
MatLog Its CatLog, but with material goodness. Graphical log reader for Android. Based on Nolan Lawsons CatLog: Google Play, GitHub Overview MatLog is a free and open-source material-style log reader for Android based on CatLog. It shows a scrolli
CatLog Graphical log reader for Android. Note: this repo is unmaintained due to me having too little time and too little interest. Please check out a fork called MatLog that is optimized for newer devices. Author Nolan Lawson License WTFPL, although