LEACH协议OMNET++仿真源代码 The code contains two directories: one is a distributed LEACH version, the other one a centralized where the base station (assumed to know everything) chooses the optimal cluster head. The "optimal" is in the code approximated vi
Mobile communication has been dominated by centralized architectures over decades. Direct communication among mobile devices was not the focus of researchers and not required by industry for many years. However, as mobile devices are nowadays fully
Part I Metric Searching in a Nutshell Overview 3 1. FOUNDATIONS OF METRIC SPACE SEARCHING 5 1 The Distance Searching Problem 6 2 The Metric Space 8 3 Distance Measures 9 3.1 Minkowski Distances 10 3.2 Quadratic Form Distance 11 3.3 Edit Distance 12
The main goal of vehicle navigation systems is to determine the optimal routing path for achieving the least travel time and exhausted gasoline. Most navigation systems use the static shortest path routing algorithm or use optional traffic informati
Abstract—Based on demands in proxy pattern, this article proposes informatization solution of proxy pattern which includes enterprise management, proxy management, franchisee management and supply chain management, then discusses basic functions, sy
Development teams around the globe are changing. They are dropping their clunky, old, centralized version control systems (VCSs) in favor of Git, which is a lightweight, distributed version control system (DVCS) and relative newcomer to the version
Stephen Rago's update is a long overdue benefit to the community of professionals using the versatile family of UNIX and UNIX-like operating environments. It removes obsolescence and includes newer developments. It also thoroughly updates the contex
This book includes serial, parallel, memory I/O, USB, and interrupt-driven hardware designs using x86-, StrongARM®-, and PowerPC®-based target boards. In addition, you will find simple device driver module code that connects external devices to the
Introduction xiii CHAPTER 1 Standard Procedures for SMS in GSM Networks 1 1.1 GSM Network Architecture and Principle of the SMS Procedure 1 1.2 Implementation of SMS Services 3 1.2.1 SMS-MO Implementation 3 1.2.2 The SMS-MT Implementation 6 1.2.3 Se
The existing local binary pattern (LBP) operators have several disadvantages such as rather long histograms, lower discrimination, and sensitivity to noise. Aiming at these problems, we propose the centralized binary pattern (CBP) operator. CBP opera
This paper presents an efficient, centralized equivalent and fully decentralized solution to the cooperative localization of mobile robot teams. Formulating the cooperative localization problem in the framework of Bayesian estimation, the decentraliz