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  2. Chapter 1 : AIR Installing the Adobe Development Tools Installing the AIR Runtime on an Android Device What Is in the AIR SDK New Actionscr ipt Libraries AIR on the Desktop Versus AIR on Android Mobile Flash Player 10.1 Versus AIR 2.6 on Android Cha
  3. 所属分类:Flash

    • 发布日期:2011-06-01
    • 文件大小:11534336
    • 提供者:riafan
  1. developing android application with adobe air.part3.rar

  2. Chapter 1 : AIR Installing the Adobe Development Tools Installing the AIR Runtime on an Android Device What Is in the AIR SDK New Actionscr ipt Libraries AIR on the Desktop Versus AIR on Android Mobile Flash Player 10.1 Versus AIR 2.6 on Android Cha
  3. 所属分类:Flash

    • 发布日期:2011-06-01
    • 文件大小:11534336
    • 提供者:riafan
  1. developing android application with adobe air.part4.rar

  2. Chapter 1 : AIR Installing the Adobe Development Tools Installing the AIR Runtime on an Android Device What Is in the AIR SDK New Actionscr ipt Libraries AIR on the Desktop Versus AIR on Android Mobile Flash Player 10.1 Versus AIR 2.6 on Android Cha
  3. 所属分类:Flash

    • 发布日期:2011-06-01
    • 文件大小:10485760
    • 提供者:riafan
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  2. GPG Key 生成与导出,20190513最新版 OpenPGP signature (for gpg4win-3.1.7.exe) SHA256: ba2c4ac4cf9a44e19611f86ece4bafa71a5ef02553a1652a73b9037c74608b69 Changelog More Gpg4win-3.1.7 downloads Gpg4win source code package: gpg4win-3.1.7.tar.bz2 (Size: 5.3 MByte)
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  2. 在Win7 32位操作系统上安装KepServerEx 6.5时,弹出“Check Root Certificates”对话框,提示“... unable to find required root certificates. Please apply Windows updates ...(安装程序无法找到所需的根证书,请安装Windows更新)”。在安装该补丁后,即可完成安装KepServerEx 6.5。
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  2. KepServer根证书补丁,安装KepServer时如果出现错误提示:unable to find required root certificates. Please apply Windows updates,安装此补丁可以即可解决问题
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  2. VS2017离线安装签名文件_程序包清单签名验证失败时替换用,包括了 1.vs_installer.opc,这必须有,没有这个同样会失败 2.manifestCounterSignCertificates.p12 3.manifestSignCertificates.p12 4.vs_installer_opc.SignCertificates.p12,这个及其关键,没有也不会成功,大多数离线安装包没有这个
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  2. 使用Qt C++的WebEngineView需要用MSVC的编译器,5.13.0版本需要2017_64bit版本,下载VS2017_Comminuty安装却总是出现`安装程序清单签名验证失败` 下载后解压直接双击无脑安装就可以
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    • 文件大小:9216
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  2. vs2017所需的证书文件,一共3个。我的反正可以,我不能保证所有人度可以!
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  1. Root_Cert.rar

  2. 解决: The installer was unable to find required root certificates. Please apply Windows updates. If unable to apply Windows Updates, contact support for instructions on installing root certificates. 6.5以上版本使用Root_Cert_PkgforGlobalSign.zip,以下用另 一个,执行里面的
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  2. vs2019安装数字证书签名,安装vs2019时报错,需要数字签名证书,里面提供了安装说明
  3. 所属分类:互联网

    • 发布日期:2021-02-23
    • 文件大小:387072
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  3. 所属分类:互联网

    • 发布日期:2021-02-22
    • 文件大小:4096
    • 提供者:aoxuestudy