win7 ,win8都可以使用 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview Package Class Use Tree Deprecated Index Help Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 6 PREV NEXT FRAMES NO FRAMES All Classes -----------------------------
If you are seeing error messages that contain any of these phrases... urlread, curl, urlreadwrite, peer certificate, CA certificate, unsupported protocol, JSONparser A set of patch files is available that fixes the "JSONparser" error and the "peer c
Python参考手册,官方正式版参考手册,chm版。以下摘取部分内容:Navigation index modules | next | Python » 3.6.5 Documentation » Python Documentation contents What’s New in Python What’s New In Python 3.6 Summary – Release highlights New Features PEP 498: Formatted string liter
Uber Apk Signer A tool that helps signing, zip aligning and verifying multiple Android application packages (APKs) with either debug or provided release certificates (or multiple). It supports v1 and v2 Android signing scheme. Easy and convenient de
conda create -n cpu_avx2 python=3.7
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
certifi-2020.4.5.1 | py37_0
工业信息化,OPC软件KEPware6.1~6.4 安装环境补丁.
安装KEPServerEX64时候报213CRT needs to be updated and require a reboot.
Windows Installer Warpper ....Checking Prerequisites ,Please Wait... Update 2008SP1CRT
解决了Kepware6.4安装报错:check root certificates的问题
The installer was unable to find required root certificates. Please apply Windows updates. If unable to apply Windows Updates, contact support for instructions on installing root certificates.
6.5以上版本使用,以下用另 一个,执行里面的