PREV NEXT FRAMES NO FRAMES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hibernate API Documentation Hibernate API See: Descr iption Core API org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. org.hiber
THE SPRING FRAMEWORK, release 2.0.8 (January 2008) -------------------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION Spring is a modular Java/J2EE application framework, based on code published in "Expert One-on-One J
Not Using Commons Logging ................................................................... 12 Using SLF4J ............................................................................................ 13 Using Log4J ................................
Not Using Commons Logging ................................................................... 12 Using SLF4J ............................................................................................ 13 Using Log4J ................................
Not Using Commons Logging ................................................................... 12 Using SLF4J ............................................................................................ 13 Using Log4J ................................
Spring Framework Reference Documentation Authors Rod Johnson , Juergen Hoeller , Keith Donald , Colin Sampaleanu , Rob Harrop , Thomas Risberg , Alef Arendsen , Darren Davison , Dmitriy Kopylenko , Mark Pollack , Thierry Templier , Erwin Vervaet , P
cglib - Byte Code Generation Library is high level API to generate and transform Java byte code. It is used by AOP, testing, data access frameworks to generate dynamic proxy objects and intercept field access.