支持WinCE交叉编译的CMake:cmake-2.8.3-win32-x86-ce.zip 使用方法: md build cd build cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 8 2005" -DCMAKE_WINCE_SDK="Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I)" -DPORT=WinCE
本文主要是使用C++环境调用模型权重文件而需要的开发环境搭建,Install Options
Install Options
Choose options for installing Cmake 3. 14.3
By default CMake does not add its directory to the system PATH
ODo not add CMake to the system PATH
O Add CMake to the system PATH for all user
CloudCompare- camke编译版本,需要qt4.8
打开CMake(请自行下载),将CloudCompare-master中的CMakeLists.txt拖拽至CMake中,Where is the source code保持默认,Where to build the binaries修改为D:/CouldCompare/CloudCompareWithPC作为编译的目录。可以勾选其中的Grouped和Advanced。点击Configure,选择Visual Stud