1 Writing an ANSI C++ Program 1 1.1 Getting Ready to Program....... 2 1.1 A First Program......... 3 1.2 Problem Solving: Recipes....... . 7 1.2.1 Algorithms—Being Precise...... . . 8 1.3 Implementing Our Algorithm in C++.... . . . 10 1.4 Software E
Writing unit tests can be hard and sometimes good design has to be sacrificed for the sole purpose of testability. Often testability corresponds to good design, but this is not always the case. For example final classes and methods cannot be used, p
Originally written in French and first published in 2004, this book has become well-known, introducing a generation of francophone students and professionals to hydrology - one of several disciplines that collectively form the modern environmental s
This book draws from three areas of computing: image processing, computer vision, and computer graphics. Image processing and computer vision in particular have long been separate fields with overlapping interests. This is partly a sociolog- ical ph
Useful questions to determine whether or not to mock
- Is the real collaborator a source of risk for the stability of my tests?
- Is it difficult to initialize the real collaborator?
- Is it possible to verify the state of the collaborator afte
将 Outlook 的邮件、联系人、行事历及工作与 EVO Mail Server 同步透过 EVO Collaborator for Outlook 这套专属 Outlook Add-in,Outlook 不仅能与 EVO 进行 IMAP 电子邮件的同步,甚至还能将联系人、行事历及工作一并与 ECA 的 CardDAV 、 CalDAV 、WebCAL 做数据同步。如此一来,您可轻易地将桌面计算机的 Outlook 与智能手机 iPhone 上的电子邮件、联系人、行事历及工作四大区块进行整合与