windows中打包tar文件 GUN tar 和在unix中使用tar命令基本上一样的。可以使用tar --help得到帮助的详细信息。 ------------------------------------------- GNU `tar' saves many files together into a single tape or disk archive, and can restore individual files from the archive. Usage: tar [
给EXE程序加壳 ; ; Few rules for translator: ; For beginning of translate - copy english.ini into the yourlanguage.ini ; Please, translate text only after simbol '=' ; [Translations] ; ; * Header labels * ; frmMain.LabelVersion.Caption = Version frmMain.L
# # Install the bochs emulate system first! # Included is bochs version 2.1.1 packet.(Bochs-2.1.1.exe) #---------------------------------------------------------- # This is a root file system for linux 0.11 kernel. # Rebuild from materials gathered