Fourth Edition by SEYMOUR BOSWORTH, and M.E. KABAY 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1224 Pages, PDF file in rar format, at size of 5.9MB This Handbook will be most valuable to those directly responsible for computer, network, or information security,
《计算机程序设计艺术》中文版(英文名称:The Art of Computer Programming) Donald.E.Knuth人生最辉煌的时刻在斯坦福大学计算机系渡过,美国计算机协会图灵奖的获得者,是本领域内当之无愧的泰斗。有戏言称搞计算机程序设计的不认识Knuth就等于搞物理的不知道爱因斯坦,搞数学的不知道欧拉,搞化学的不知道道尔顿。
The book introduces the new trends for advanced computer architecture. It provides a good introductory material for those who are interested in computer architecture design and development.