这是一个功能点度量方法的技术手册 The use of function points, as a measure of the functional size of software, has grown in the past decade from a few interested organizations to an impressive list of organizations worldwide. Release 4.2 Release 4.2 does not modify
IFPUG的标准,FP法软件估计必备。 FUNCTION POINT COUNTING PRACTICES MANUAL The Function Point Counting Practices Manual is the definitive descr iption of the Function Pointing Counting Standard. Several versions of the manual are available, each describing the st
Function Point Counting Practices Manual 4.1.1 版本。 来自IFPUG,权威资料 The primary objectives of the IFPUG Counting Practices Manual, Release 4.1, are to • Provide a clear and detailed descr iption of function point counting • Ensure that counts are consis
This site introduces a new tool for entomologists.
Counting the number of dead bugs or insect corpses on a plane is a very
time-consuming task.
The proposed approach is based on BLOB. The term "BLOB" stands for
"Binary Large OBject".