bash(Bourne Again Shell):由GNU开发的Shell,主要目标是与POSIX标准保持一致,同 时兼顾对sh的兼容,bash从csh和ksh借鉴了很多功能,是各种Linux发行版标准配置的 Shell,在Linux系统上/bin/sh往往是指向/bin/bash的符号链接。虽然如此,bash和sh还是有很多不同的,一方面,bash扩展了一些命令和参数,另一方面,bash并不完全和sh兼容,有些行为并不一致,所以bash需要模拟sh的行为:当我们通过sh这个程序名启动bash
英文原版 Writing C-shell scr ipts (Guide3, Version3.0) The c-shell is the program which interprets the commands that you type at the keyboard when you use the Unix operting system. It is possible to put C-shell commands into a file, called a scr ipt. Th
出自bash的faq,仔细看看。顺便翻译学习一下。 代码如下:Section C: Differences from other Unix shellsC:跟其他UNIX shells脚本的区别C1) How does bash differ from sh, the Bourne shell?C1) bash和 sh、Bourne shell的区别This is a non-comprehensive list of features that differentiate bashfrom t
csh实例 参考:
#!/bin/csh -vx
#csh -vx show the command before running to help debug
#just to check syntax
#csh -n $0
if ($#argv < 2) then
echo “Sorry, but you entered too few parameters”
echo “usage: $0 arg1 arg2