Hygieia是单一的,可配置的,易于使用的仪表盘,他可以看见接近整个传输管道的实时状态。工作方式特点:There are some excellent commercial ALM tools that allow one to
visualize traceability between stories, code, tests and builds, however,
they do not cross over from build to deploymentThere are so
MQTT EMQX ubuntu 16.04 下验证可以用版本 v3.2.6
1. unzip and run
$ unzip emqx-ubuntu14.04-v3.0.0.zip
$ ./bin/emqx start
emqx 3.1.0 is started successfully!
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl status
Node 'emqx127.0.0.1' is started
emqx v3.1.0 is running
2. http visit D