The purpose of this article is to provide a step-by-step instruction on how to install the DBWS Callout Utilities on Oracle Database Server 10g and how to verify that it works properly. After completing this installation procedure, there will be an
XRD精修软件目前常用的Rietveld结构精修软件有GSAS, Fullprof, Rietan, BGMN, DBWS, WinPLOTR等等,其实他们的核心算法都是一样的。DBWS是最早的精修软件,但由于其是DOS操作界面,目前用户越来越少。而GSAS由于操作方便、界面友好、更新迅速而得到广泛使用。PC-GSAS是基于人机对话的方式,操作起来稍显复杂。在这儿我们主要介绍EXPGUI。EXPGUI是B. H. Toby在GSAS的基础上编写的图形用户界面(Graphical User In