很好的界面导航操作 完全正确的程序 DATA SEGMENT MENU DB 'Please Input your Choice:',0dh,0ah db '1: Bin -->Dec',0dh,0ah db '2: Bin -->Hex',0dh,0ah DB '3: BIN-->OCT',0DH,0AH db '4: Dec -->Bin',0dh,0ah DB '5: DEC-->OCT ',0DH,0AH db '6: Dec -->Hex',0dh
十进位,八进制,十六进位,二进位相互转换大全 ' 用途:将十进位转化为二进位 ' 输入:Dec(十进位数字) ' 输入资料类型:Long ' 输出:DEC_to_BIN(二进位数字) ' 输出资料类型:String ' 输入的最大数为2147483647,输出最大数为1111111111111111111111111111111(31个1) Public Function DEC_to_BIN(Dec As Long) As String DEC_to_BIN = "" Do While De
;name: ELECTRONIC CLOCK data segment mess1 db 'Press C or c to correct the time',0ah,0dh db 'Press R or r to SET the RING time',0ah,0dh db 'Press ESC button to exit',0ah,0dh,'$' tn db 'Please input the new time (hh:mm:ss):',0dh,0ah,'$' tM db 'Please