! ! Unigraphics Modeling Application Menu File ! ! ! VERSION 120 UG6.0 ! *************** Changes to the Menubar itself *************** EDIT UG_GATEWAY_MAIN_MENUBAR ! *************** Format Menu *************** AFTER UG_ARRANGE_GROUP BUTTON UG_MODELI
Mini Alarms is an application by which the user can add, delete, modify, start or stop customized alarms. The user can customize the alarm by specifying the following alarm informations: - countdown time or deadline time - alarm message - turn on al
Table of Contentsl Summary of GDBm Free softwarem Free Software Needs Free Documentationm Contributors to GDBl A Sample GDB Sessionl Getting In and Out of GDBm Invoking GDBn Choosing filesn Choosing modesm Quitting GDBm Shell commandsl GDB Commandsm
Table of Contents q q q q q Summary of GDB r Free software r Free Software Needs Free Documentation r Contributors to GDB A Sample GDB Session Getting In and Out of GDB r Invoking GDB s Choosing files s Choosing modes r Quitting GDB r Shell commands
cd mysql
./{create|start|stop|restart|status|connect|delete}.sh {yourDbName} {mysqlVersion} {port}
# e.g. Create MySQL database.
./create.sh mysql1 5.7.31 3306
# e.g. Create another one.
./create.sh mysql2 8.