What is this? This is All-in-One installer for 3 most needed PC tools for Android. No need to download big SDK for 3 small things. I originaly made it for my Kurdish friend AnGrY DuDe in early 2013. I saw another ADB installer on XDA, but it wasn't
dzhyun,大智慧舵手版,是上海大智慧股份有限公司推出新一代的行情软件,依托于大智慧云平台提供的行情服务,是一套轻、快、精的跨平台的轻客户端软件。下载体验大智慧舵手版。环境准备1、开发工具在Windows中需要下载并安装VS Express 2013 for Desktop以及qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013-5.7.0。如果你需要调试,还需要根据你的操作系统环境下载安装wdksetup.exe。在macOS中只需要安装qt-opensource-mac-
Full X server and SSH support
Remote desktop (RDP, VNC, Xdmcp)
Remote terminal (SSH, telnet, rlogin, Mosh)
Automatic SFTP browser
Master password protection
Plugins support
Portable and installer versions
Full documentation