《游戏编程精粹》光盘源代码Author: Steve Rabin E-mail: stevera@noa.nintendo.com Last revised: 5-20-00 This MS Visual C++ project is the AI engine described in the book Game Programming Gems within the article "Designing a General Robust AI Engine". Please r efer
ZT: This is the binary and source of a demo we created to show how games can take advantage of multi-core processors. It's dead simple - you control a cannon facing down a terrifying, lethal... castle. Knock it down, put it back up and then knock it
boolean Boolean char Character byte Byte short Short int Integer long Long float Float double Double 引用类型和原始类型的行为完全不同,并且它们具有不同的语义。引用类型和原始类型具有不同的特征和用法,它们包括:大小和速度问题,这种类型以哪种类型的数据结构存储,当引用类型和原始类型用作某个类的实例数据时所指定的缺省值。对象引用实例变量的缺省值为 null,而原始类型实例变量的 缺省值与它们的类型有
微软内部非公开资料,值得一读。 Objectives After completing this course, you will be able to: List the major elements of the .NET Framework and explain how C# fits into the .NET Platform. Analyze the basic structure of a C# application and be able to document, debu