broadcast icmp jiqiao multi_broad raw sys_net_ml tcp1 term thread udp cap io mul_thread_download qq sem tcp tcp_dos testerr time wav ./broadcast: broad.h client.c server server.c ./cap: capture_ packet capture_packet.c ./icmp: icmp.c ./io: aa ba con
两万多个词条,简单易用,在LINUX终端下使用,操作方法:在命令行下:1:键入:dict love 敲回车键后会显示关于love的词条. 2:键入dict后敲回车键进入终端下的词典界面,进去后和其它WINDOWS下的词典一样的使用方法。安装方法:tar xvf dict_1_1.tar.gz && make && make install
The cURL package contains a utility and a library used for transferring files with URL syntax to any of the following protocols: FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS and FILE. Its ability to both download and upload fil