一本实用的C语言入门教程 英文版 Contents At a Glance Preface xvii 1 Introduction 1 2 Some Fundamentals 5 3 Compiling and Running Your First Program 11 4 Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions 21 5 Program Looping 43 6 Making Decisions 65 7 Working with
7.22③ 试基于图的深度优先搜索策略写一算法, 判别以邻接表方式存储的有向图中是否存在由顶 点vi到顶点vj的路径(i≠j)。 注意:算法中涉及 的图的基本操作必须在此存储结构上实现。 实现下列函数: Status DfsReachable(ALGraph g, int i, int j); /* Judge if it exists a path from vertex 'i' to */ /* vertex 'j' in digraph 'g'. */ /* Array 'visited
GrTheory - Graph Theory Toolbox. 内含40个图论问题的matlab代码,包括最短径问题等。对数学建模,2012美赛ICM的帮助尤其大。欢迎下载。 Functions: grBase - find all bases of digraph; grCoBase - find all contrabases of digraph; grCoCycleBasis - find all independent cut-sets for a connected graph;