DESC 表名 查看表的信息. SET SERVEROUT [ON|OFF] 设置系统输出的状态. SET PAGESIZE 设置浏览中没页的大小 SET LINESIZE 设置浏览中每行的长度 SET AUTOPRINT [ON|OFF] 设置是否自动打印全局变量的值 SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL 查看当前系统时间 ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format='格式' 设置当前会话的日期格式 示例:ALTER S ESSION SET nls_
USBDeview is a small utility that lists all USB devices that currently connected to your computer, as well as all USB devices that you previously used. For each USB device, exteneded information is displayed: Device name/descr iption, device type, s
1,pop3.zipCPop3Connection - an MFC Class to encapsulate the POP3 protocol(15KB)2,ipenum.zipIPEnum - an MFC class and console app to allow IP address enumeration(11KB)3,smtp.zipCSMTPConnectio n - an MFC Class to encapsulate the SMTP protocol(21KB)4,p