跟我一起学Visual Studio 2005(1):C#语法篇(上) (Level 200) 课程简介:随着Dot NET Framework 2.0和Visual Studio 2005的发布,dot net平台的应用程序开发实力不断增强,越来越多的开发者加入到dot net开发大平营。"跟我一起学Visual Studio 2005”这个系列课程,从语法、Win Form编程、Web Form编程、ADO.NET数据库编程和智能设备编程等全方位剖析VS 2005所带来的全新开发体验。随着
跟我一起学Visual Studio 2005(1):C#语法篇(上) (Level 200) 课程简介:随着Dot NET Framework 2.0和Visual Studio 2005的发布,dot net平台的应用程序开发实力不断增强,越来越多的开发者加入到dot net开发大平营。"跟我一起学Visual Studio 2005”这个系列课程,从语法、Win Form编程、Web Form编程、ADO.NET数据库编程和智能设备编程等全方位剖析VS 2005所带来的全新开发体验。随着
These are exciting times to be a .NET developer, and Visual Studio 2010 (VS2010) and the .NET 4.0 framework have brought a bewildering number of changes. But fear not! In this book I will be getting you up to speed on these enhancements, and also ta
Introducing .NET 4.0: with Visual Studio 2010 is designed to provide you with just that roadmap. It serves as a no-nonsense primer that will help experienced .NET developers understand the impact of the new framework and its associated technologies.