Election algorithms arewidely used in the primary-backup replication, and ithas been proved to be harder than the con- sensus problem. In this paper, the relation between the election problem and the consensus problem is analysed, and a new fault- t
Computational and biological systems are often distributed so that processors (cells) jointly solve a task, without any of them receiving all inputs or observing all outputs. Maximal independent set (MIS) selection is a fundamental distributed compu
天思产品触发器elect @XM=isnull(b.XM,0),@itm=a.itm,@os_no=b.os_no ,@tax_id=d.tax_id,@ZK=ISNULL(E.ZK,0),@kd=isnull(b.kd,0) from tf_pos a left join prdt c on a.prd_no=c.prd_no left join mf_Pos d on a.os_no=d.os_no LEFT JOIN MF_POS_Z E ON A.OS_NO=E.OS_NO, INSE
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It has been eight years since my book, Con trol The ory of Elect ric Machi nery, was pu blished in Korea n. In the past six years, mor e than 2500 copies of the book have been sold in Korea. Some of them are used as a textbook for a gradu ate course
By Cobus Strauss, CPEng BSc (ElecEng), Bcomm, SKM Engineers, Perth, Australia Descr iption In the past automation of the power network was a very specialized area but recently due to deregulation and privatization the area has become of a great impo