http rfc The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It is a generic, stateless, protocol which can be used for many tasks beyond its use for hypertext, such
光纤参量放大器,谐振器与相关器件。This is the first book to provide comprehensive coverage of the theory and practice of OPAs and related devices, including fiber optical parametric oscillators (OPOs).
Mozilla Firefox,中文俗称“火狐”(正式缩写为Fx或fx,非正式缩写为MF),是一个自由及开放源代码的网页浏览器,使用Gecko排版引擎,支持多种操作系统,如Windows、Mac OS X及GNU/Linux等。该浏览器提供了两种版本,普通版和ESR(Extended Support Release,延长支持)版,ESR版本是 Mozilla 专门为那些无法或不愿每隔几周就升级一次的企业打造。Firefox ESR 版的升级周期为 12 个月,而普通 Firefox 的升级周期为