以前经常向虚拟主机上传和下载自己的网站。文件使用FTP命令一条一条执行传效率还是很低的。 我做了一个网站文件和XML文件互相转换的类,发布出来方便大家使用。 /** * @author shadu####foxmail.com * @version v0.2 * @updated 2009-05-20 * @desc Covert the files on the website to one XML,where excluede the special file extend name *
From corporate IT departments to academic institutions, XML has become the language of choice for storing and transmitting data across diverse application domains. XQuery, an XML Query Language invented by the World Wide Web Consortium, offers a pow
Book Descr iption Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) is a language for transforming XML documents and data from one format to another. Answering the demand for an introductory book on XSLT processing, Ian Williams presents a clear
attachment is describing my one exam questiones' solution of how to program XML file, xsl and dtd styles, hereby I upload these sample code to help someone who want to learn the basic functionally about XML, format easy to read. Besides there are 3
If you’re reading this, you are likely ready to work with the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and areseeking some direction.This book provides information about XML and the issues involved in designing XML-based solutionsfor business problems. It d
从XML读取、写入配置 许多程序在使用,向一个输入框中输入了某些信息;即使关闭了程序,当再次打开时,你仍然可以看见输入框中的信息没有消失,被保存了下来.这样为程序的使用提供了极大的方便。下面有一个很简单的实例实现这样的效果: 首先需要两个按钮,两个文本框 ===============================CODE========================================= Imports System.Xml ‘导入命名空间 Public Class Form