Contents Preface to the Third Edition, vii Preface to the Second Edition, ix Preface to the First Edition, xi Preliminaries, 1 Part 1: Preliminaries, 1 Part 2: Algebraic Structures, 17 Part I---Basic Linear Algebra, 33 1 Vector Spaces, 35 Vector Spa
CHAPTER I The Integers 1 §1. Terminology of Sets 1 §2. Basic Properties 2 §3. Greatest Common Divisor 5 §4. Unique Factorization 7 §5. Equivalence Relations and Congruences 12 CHAPTER II Groups 16 §1. Groups and Examples 16 §2. Mappings 26 §3. Homom
机器学方面一本很新, 很全面的书。 pdf超好。 彩版的。 Chapter What’s new 1. Introduction 2. Overview of Supervised Learning 3. Linear Methods for Regression LAR algorithm and generalizations of the lasso 4. Linear Methods for Classification Lasso path for logistic regressi
非常详尽的数据结构中描述的算法 Introduction Structure of the chapters Naming of variables Probabilities Asymptotic notation About the programming languages On the code for the algorithms Complexity measures and real timings Basic Concepts (Expand) Data structure d
Introduction Structure of the chapters Naming of variables Probabilities Asymptotic notation About the programming languages On the code for the algorithms Complexity measures and real timings Basic Concepts (Expand) Data structure descr iption Algo
关于双曲型方程剑桥经典书籍!好东西分享! Hyperbolic conservation laws describe a number of interesting physical problems in diverse areas such as fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, and astrophysics. Our emphasis in this book is on nonlinearities in these problems, especi
This standard, in conjunction with IEEE Std 1386-2001, IEEE Standard for a Common Mezzanine Card (CMC) Family, defines the physical and environmental layers of a PCI mezzanine card (PMC) family to be usable on (but not limited to) single slot VME, V
很好的linux命令行学习和参考书籍 Part 1 – Introduction.........................................................................1 1 – Introduction................................................................................................2 Why Use The Command
It has become increasingly common to implement discrete-logarithm based public-key protocols on elliptic curves over finite fields. The basic operation is scalar multiplication: taking a given integer multiple of a given point on the curve. The cost
Foreword Dedication Chapter 1—Fuzzy set-based modelling and simulation environment 1.1 Introduction: a rationale 1.2 System modelling with fuzzy sets 1.2.1 The paradigm 1.2.2 The general architecture of fuzzy models and the methodology of their deve
This study is aimed at eliminating the influence of the higher-order modes on the frequency response functions (FRFs) of non-proportionally viscously damped systems. Based on the Neumann expansion theorem, two power-series expansions in terms of eig
Chapter What’s new 1. Introduction 2. Overview of Supervised Learning 3. Linear Methods for Regression LAR algorithm and generalizations of the lasso 4. Linear Methods for Classification Lasso path for logistic regression 5. Basis Expansions and Reg
Some implications and consequences of the expansion of the universe are examined. In Chapter 1 it is shown that this expansion creates grave difficulties for the Hoyle-Narlikar theory of gravitation. Chapter 2 deals with perturbations of an expandin