

  1. ImpREC 1.7c

  2. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= ~ Import REConstructor v1.7c FINAL by MackT/uCF2000 in 2001-2008 ~ = = ~ - *for Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2K, XP, Vista32/64* - ~ =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
  3. 所属分类:C#

    • 发布日期:2009-09-20
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  1. Java邮件开发Fundamentals of the JavaMail API

  2. Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials ibm.com/developerWorks Table of Contents If you're viewing this document online, you can click any of the topics below to link directly to that section. 1.
  3. 所属分类:Java

    • 发布日期:2010-01-15
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  1. IC 设计流程(ic design flow)

  2. ic设计的流程介绍 英文的 1.The flow of IC design 2.Information Collection and study 3.IP preparation 4.Achitecture Planning 5.Dedign:HDL source coding 6.HDL Text Bench coding 7.RTL simulation/Debug 8.FPGA Netlist Generation 9.Text environment Setup 10.FPGA Ver
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  1. java反编译工具FrontEnd和jad

  2. java反编译工具 Jad accepts the following options: -a - annotate the output with JVM bytecodes (default: off) -af - same as -a, but output fully qualified names when annotating -clear - clear all prefixes, including the default ones (can be abbreviated as
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  1. java反编译工具jad 1.5.8g(可以反编译jdk1.5,1.6)

  2. java反编译工具jad 1.5.8g支持 jdk1.5,jdk1.6。说明很多记住一个万能的命令基本就够用了。jad -sjava -r -8 -o **\*.class ---------------This is README file for Jad - the fast Java Decompiler.Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.htmlCopyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov (jad@kpdus.com).
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    • 发布日期:2008-05-27
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  1. ext-4.0.0-final

  2. 1.强大的图表类库包.不时用得不多,估计是慢慢展现HTML5的高级动画特性吧. 2.震撼的Grid!!在3.x版本中使用Grid实现太多,但Bug也实现太多了.4.0给了我们的不仅仅是稳定,还有丰富多样的表现. 3.智能的布局.如果说3.x中布局做得很合理了,那么4.0中则是更加可塑造了!因为连Form panel都给我们乱搞了! 4.Data!!data!!必用到的东西!同时处理百万数据已经成为可能!因为可以动态懒载入了!! 5.易定制的主题框架!什么东东?3.X中变个颜色就算主题了?太扯了
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  1. 自定义dialog

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  1. 开源框架jar包(百度云盘)

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  1. Java反编译软件JAD1

  2. Java反编译软件JAD1 ad -sjava example1.class生成example1.java文件,十分准确。 This is README file for Jad - the fast Java Decompiler. Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bridge/8617/jad.html Copyright 1997-99 Pavel Kouznetsov (kpdus@geocities.com)
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  1. Spring主流jar包大全

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  1. Beetl模板引擎入门教程.pdf

  2. Beetl是一款6倍于Freemarker的超高性能的java模板引擎,来自于中国!!BeetlSQL是一款功能强大,以SQL为中心,使用简单的全功能的ORMapping工具,支持自动生成代码2.基本用法 2.1.安装 如果使用 maven,请使用如下坐标 com. ibeetl <artifactIdbeetl 2.9.3 如果非maven工程,直接下载http:/lgit.oschina.net/xiandafu/beetl2.0/attach_files 22.从 Group T
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  1. 博世 FRay5000-50-EN Linear Smoke Detector 用户使用说明书.pdf

  2. 博世 FRay5000-50-EN Linear Smoke Detector 用户使用说明书pdf,博世 FRay5000-50-EN Linear Smoke Detector 用户使用说明书Contents Installation General information Fitting the Product Wiring Diagrams Commissioning Apply power and Enter Pass Code Select power mode and distan
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  1. 萨姆森SAMSON 3730系列3730-5型电气定位器,带FF现场总线通信功能安装操作手册(英文版).pdf

  2. 萨姆森SAMSON 3730系列3730-5型电气定位器,带FF现场总线通信功能安装操作手册(英文版)pdf,萨姆森SAMSON 3730系列3730-5型电气定位器,带FF现场总线通信功能安装操作手册(英文版)Contents Contents ade Important safety instructions 2 Article code 10 3 Des sian an g principl of operation 3. Additional equipment 3.2 Communic
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  1. pandas常用操作.pdf

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  1. - Ieee Analog Circuit Design -1 .pdf

  2. 吴重雨,IEEE 2000年讲义,模拟集成电路设计,从原理到应用,适合学习入门3. Roubik Gregorian and gabor c. Temes. Analog mos Integrated Circuits for Signal Processing, John Wiley sons, 1987 4. Technical Papers Final scores: Will be determined by (1)Homework 20% (2)Mid-Term Test 30% (3
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  1. Beetl2.7.14中文文档.pdf

  2. Beetl目前版本是2.7.14,相对于其他java模板引擎,具有功能齐全,语法直观,性能超高,以及编写的模板 容易维护等特点。使得开发和维护模板有很好的体验。是新一代的模板引擎。kartifactId>beetl 2.7.14 如果非maven工程,直接下载http://git.oschina.net/xiandafu/beetl2.0/attach_files 22.从 Group Template开始 StringTemplateResourceLoader resourceloa
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  1. 温度传感器TMP36.pdf

  2. 小封装温度传感器,三端口,+5V供电,温度范围-40~+150摄氏度TMP35/TMP36/TMP37 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1, 2, 3 FUNCTIONAL DEscr iptION Supply voltage 7V An equivalent circuit for the tMP3x family of micropower Shutdown pin GND S SHUTDOWN S +Vs centigrade temperature sensors is
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