Introduction This article present a tiny database engine which implements fixed width record tables and BTree indexes. This library is a work in progress, I am looking for some feedback on this to see if there is a need for it. This article is also
Introduction The purpose of the hints is to help speed up and improve the quality of your PCBdesign. General design guidelines There is a variety of different BGA pitches around today. From the popular1.27mm through 1.0mm, 0.8mm and down to 0.5mm pi
MemoryAnalyzer 使用中文 文档Me mory an a lyzer使用文档
2. Shallow or retained heap
Shallow Heap表小一个对象消费的内存的总量。对象的每个引用变量会占用32或64bit(取决于操作系
统),每个 nteger需要占用4byte,每个Long需要占用8byte,诸如此关的其他信息可以自行查询。Sha|low
heap的值可能是经过了调整的(比如对齐到8,具体取决于 H