作者: Elisabeth.Freeman 目录: Intro xxv 1 Welcome to Design Patterns: an introduction 1 2 Keeping your Objects in the know: the Observer Pattern 37 3 Decorating Objects: the Decorator Pattern 79 4 Baking with OO goodness: the Factory Pattern 109 5 One o
作者:Eric.T.Freeman 目录: Intro xxv 1 The Language of the Web: getting to know HTML 1 2 Meet the ‘HT’ in HTML: going further, with hypertext 43 3 Web Page Construction: building blocks 77 4 A Trip to Webville: getting connected 125 5 Meeting the Media:
The ASP.NET MVC 5 Framework is the latest evolution of Microsoft’s ASP.NET web platform. It provides a high-productivity programming model that promotes cleaner code architecture, test-driven development, and powerful extensibility, combined with al