farbrausch laboratories proudly present fr-022: ein.schlag ms2002, pc intro 64k, #2 finally a final version cp / kb / ryg / wayfinder (development) gizmo / exoticorn / bombe (rg2 evaluation+moral support) --- after far too much time after ms2002, we
Hands-On Continuous Integration and Delivery starts with the fundamentals of continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) and where it fits in the DevOps ecosystem. You will explore the importance of stakeholder collaboration as part of
移动多媒体显示器的先锋Liquavista 公司最新推出的显示器,必将为消费电子产品设计领域带来重大变化。显示器系列称为 FreeStyle,能够赋予设计者无与伦比的能力,将产品设想淋漓尽致地表达出来。活动部分/像素的颜色、尺寸和形状都能选择,以便了然无痕地与整体产品概念相融合,令产品卓尔不群,并使整体产品价值从显示器上自然展现出来。“这一优势,再加上能够制成无限多种类的反射器的能力,为正在不懈努力的产品设计师们创造出一种至关重要的新工具,使他们技压群芳。”首席执行官 Mark Gostick