使用GVF域和VFC域进行图片分割 % Vector field convolution (VFC) external force field example. % % See also AMT, EXAMPLE_PIG, AM_VFC, AM_VFK, AC_DISPLAY. % % Reference % [1] Bing Li and Scott T. Acton, "Active contour external force using % vector field convoluti
clc;clear all;close all; I = imread('finger.bmp');I = double(I); figure,imshow(uint8(I)),title('Orignal image'); y = I; sigma = 1;% need some modification according image rol = 3;% need some modification according image dt = 0.1; % timestep, more sm
Harris角点检测代码, function [ posr2, posc2 ] = harris(image,Thrshold ) %HARRIS Summary of this function goes here I = double(image); %% For each pixel(x,y) in the image calculate the autocorrelation matrix M %% M= [Ix2(i,j) Ixy(i,j);Ixy(i,j) Iy2(i,j)]; f
运动模糊图像的复原中经常要用到点扩散函数psf,该程序实现求取点扩散函数psf,即实现Matlab中的fspecial函数(求psf),你只要设定好参数length和angle就可以了,调用get_psf()- Motion-blurred images are often used to recover the point spread function psf, the realization of the program to strike a point spread function
im = im2double(imread('C:\Users\air\Desktop\2.jpg')); M = size(im,1); h = fspecial('gaussian',5,1); imb = filter2(h,im)+rand(M,M)/10; figure; subplot(121); imshow(imb); subplot(122); imshow(im); Y = fft2(imb); H = fft2(h,M,M); invH = 1./H; idx = fin