Before all : Pure-FTPd was designed on Unix and for Unix. The Windows port has been done because some people are forced to work on Win32 by their pointy hairy boss. For these people, Apache is a nice alternative to IIS. But when it comes to FTP serv
Before all : Pure-FTPd was designed on Unix and for Unix. The Windows porthas been done because some people are forced to work on Win32 by theirpointy hairy boss. For these people, Apache is a nice alternative to IIS.But when it comes to FTP servers
proftpd是一款开放源码的ftp服务器软件,它是原来世界范围使用最广泛的wu-ftpd的改进版,它修正了wu-ftpd的许多缺陷,在许多方面进行了重大的改进,其中一个重要变化就是它学习了Apache 的配置方式,使proftpd的配置和管理更加简单易懂。本文将介绍它在Red hat Linux AS4 中最基本的安装和配置。