The subjects are covered as follows: • Chapter 1 gives you an overview of neural network terminology and nomenclature. You discover that neural nets are capable of solving complex problems with parallel computational architectures. The Hopfield netw
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic ◦Fuzzy Sets ◦Fuzzy Inference Systems Fuzzy Image Processing Model Applications ◦Noise Detection and Removal ◦Contrast Enhancement
An adaptive fuzzy controller is synthesized from a collection of fuzzy IF-THEN rules.The parameters of the membership functions characterizingthe linguistic terms in the fuzzy IF-THEN rules change accordingto some adaptivelaw for the purpose of cont
Bayesian network is an effective uncertain knowledge representation and reasoning method. Fuzzy sets can be used for expressing fuzzy events or fuzzy objectives in some special region. Combining these two theories, this paper discusses the probabili
Foreword Author's Biographical Information Part A—General Theory Chapter 1—Learning Algorithms for Neuro-Fuzzy Networks 1 Introduction 2 Neuro-Fuzzy Networks 2.1 The Conventional Fuzzy Model 2.2 From Fuzzy to Neuro-Fuzzy 2.3 Initialization 2.4 Train
Preface About the Editors Part 1—Fundamentals and Neuro-Fuzzy Signal Processing Chapter 1—Fuzzy Logic and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems in Medicine and Bio-Medical Engineering: A Historical Perspective 1. The First Period: The Infancy 2. Further Developments
Foreword Dedication Chapter 1—Fuzzy set-based modelling and simulation environment 1.1 Introduction: a rationale 1.2 System modelling with fuzzy sets 1.2.1 The paradigm 1.2.2 The general architecture of fuzzy models and the methodology of their deve
在实际开发项目中,使用MATLAB的神经网络工具箱和模糊逻辑工具箱设计算法然后用Coder将算法转换为高级语言。然后使用过Coder的用户就知道,一定有部分应用场景需要直接用高级语言编写算法。这本书就是为此目的编写。 书是以网页形式组织的,其中ewtoc.htm是目录。主要章节如下。 ------------------------------------------------------------- • Chapter 1 gives you an overview of neural
This book does not contain an elementary mathematics of fuzzy systems such as fuzzy sets, operations on fuzzy sets, Boolean logic, triangular norms (tnorms), t-conorms, implications, fuzzy relations, fuzzy reasoning methods, the fuzzy controller arc
By Witold Pedrycz Introductory comments and selected areas of applications. Developments in human-centric systems. Fuzzy sets as enabling technology. Human-centricity of systems and a role of fuzzy sets. Selected case studies in pattern recognition,
This article proposes a new axiomatic definition of entropy of interval-valued fuzzy sets (IVFSs) and discusses its relation with similarity measure. First, we propose an axiomatic definition of entropy for IVFS based on distance which is consistent
In this paper, we introduce an axiomatic definition of the similarity measure of intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFS) that differs from the definition of Li [15]. The relationship between the similarity measure and the entropy of IFS is investigated in de
This paper introduces new operations on the algebra of fuzzy truth values, extended supremum and extended infimum, which are generalizations of the extended operations of maximum and minimum between fuzzy truth values for type-2 fuzzy sets, respectiv