gcc-g++-4.5.1.tar 源码包 *** Changes in GCC 3.4: * Changes in GCC 3.4 are described in 'gcc-3.4/changes.html' *** Changes in GCC 3.3: * The "new X = 3" extension has been removed; you must now use "new X(3)". * G++ no longer allows in-class initializat
1.已经编译好的 hadoop2.4.1 x64 用法:将hadoop-2.4.1/lib/native下所有文件删除,然后将包中的文件放入 2.自己安装搜索“编译64位的hadoop 2.4.1”参考:http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.3.0/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/NativeLibraries.html The native hadoop library is written in ANSI C and is b