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UPX 源码 V3 验证好用 UPX.v3.05.Source The UPX Hacker's Guide ====================== Foreword -------- The precompiled UPX versions are linked against the NRV compression library instead of the UCL library. Using the same compression algorithms, NRV achiev
Google C++ Testing Framework ============================ Overview -------- Google's framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Windows CE, Symbian, etc). Based on the xU
SimIt-ARM-3.0 给予命令行ARM指令模拟器,短小精悍,是研究ARM处理器的好工具,该模拟器既可以运行用户级别的ELF程序,又可以模拟运行Linux操作系统;提供了简单易用的调试命令,可以逐条跟踪指令的执行。 SimIt-ARM-3.0-gk-20150902.tar.bz2 HowTo 0.what is SimIt-ARM-3.0 SimIt-ARM 3.0 is an instruction-set simulator that runs both system-level a