The program constructs girth-twelve column-weight QC-LPDC codes. The rate can be changed by changing k(row-weight), size is changed by varying m(sub-matrix size). The program/algorithm does not guarantee to get girth twelve code. It guarantees girth
轻松入门 实战应用 传智播客C++课程 传智播客C++课程讲义 传智扫地僧 1、C++对C的扩展 1简单的C++程序 1.1求圆的周长和面积 数据描述: 半径,周长, 面积均用实型数表示 数据处理: 输入半径 r; 计算周长 = 2*π*r ; 计算面积 = π* r2 ; 输出半径,周长,面积; 方法1:用结构化方法编程,求圆的周长和面积 // count the gir th and area of circle #include using name std; void main ()
Length and girth are central to measure the size of tube shaped objects. This paper extends circular helical curves to general tubular shapes and proposes a novel method for measuring their length and girth. We call the extended circular helixes quas