% Matlab Hyperspectral Toolbox % Copyright 2008-2009 Isaac Gerg % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % A Note on Notation % Hyperspectral data is often expressed many ways to better describe the % mathematica
针对距离扩展目标所占据的各距离单元输出的信杂比在统计意义上不同的一般情况,在分析基于顺序统计的广义似然比检测(generalized likelihood ratio test based on order statistics,OS-GLRT)的基础上提出了两种改进的检测器。第一种是修正的OS-GLRT,它采用或规则,将所有可能的有效距离单元数量得到的OS-GLRT的结果进行融合后做出判决,所得到的修正的OS-GLRT无需有效距离单元数量等目标先验信息。第二种是结合双门限(dual thres
This paper addresses adaptive detection of range-spread target in spherically invariant random vector clutter. Based on the nonadaptive detectors of NSDD-GLRT and SDD-GLRT, two adaptive detectors named ANSDD-GLRT and ASDD-GLRT are devised by replacin