①.安装gmp4.2.3 tar -zxvf gmp-4.2.3.tar.gz cd gmp-4.3.2 /opt/gmp-4.2.3/configure --prefix=/usr/local/gmp-4.2.3 make (编译) make install (执行安装) ②安装mpfr2.4.0 bzip -d mpfr-2.4.0.tar.bz2 tar -xvf mpfr-2.4.0.tar.bz2 cd local/mpfr-2.4.0 /opt/mpfr-2.4.0/configu
The GMP computers are maintained by a single person on a volunteer basis. The current situation with Intel Meltdown + Spectre hardware, Intel ME bugs/backdoors are making the GMP servers far from as secure as we'd like them to be. We don't have the