用例驱动开发的实践性很强的书,英文版。 Doug Rosenberg and Matt Stephens Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML Theory and Practice The difference between “theory” and “practice” is that in theory there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice, t
"The Java landscape is littered with libraries, tools, and specifications. What's been lacking is the expertise to fuse them into solutions to real-world problems. These patterns are the intellectual mortar for J2EE software construction."-John Vlis
经典的算法,采用拓扑结构实现 The algorithms are described in the following article : Camille Couprie, Leo Grady, Laurent Najman and Hugues Talbot , "Power Watersheds: A New Image Segmentation Framework Extending Graph Cuts, Random Walker and Optimal Spanning Fore
面向对象分析与设计 英文第3版 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications (Third Edition) 作者: Grady Booch Robert A. Maksimchuk Michael W. Engle Bobbi J. Young, Ph.D. Jim Conallen Kelli A. Houston