GDAL/OGR Licensing ================== This file attempts to include all licenses that apply within the GDAL/OGR source tree, in particular any that are supposed to be exposed to the end user for credit requirements for instance. The contents of this
GRADS(Grid Analysis and Display System)是当今气象界广泛使用的一种数据处理和显示软件系统。该软件系统通过其集成环境,可以对气象数据进行读取、加工、图形显示和打印输出。它在进行数据处理时,所有数据在GRADS中均被视为纬度、经度、层次和时间的4维场,而数据可以是格点资料,也可以是站点资料;数据格式可以是二进制,也可以是GRIB码,还可以是NetCDF,从而具有操作简单、功能强大、显示快速、出图类型多样化、图形美观等特点。正因为如此,GRADS已迅速成为国内外
GRADS(Grid Analysis and Display System)是当今气象界广泛使用的一种数据处理和显示软件系统。该软件系统通过其集成环境,可以对气象数据进行读取、加工、图形显示和打印输出。它在进行数据处理时,所有数据在GRADS中均被视为纬度、经度、层次和时间的4维场,而数据可以是格点资料,也可以是站点资料;数据格式可以是二进制,也可以是GRIB码,还可以是NetCDF,从而具有操作简单、功能强大、显示快速、出图类型多样化、图形美观等特点。正因为如此,GRADS已迅速成为国内外
GrADS - Grid Analysis and Display System Version 1.8 GrADS Executables for UNIX & Linux GrADS is distributed free of charge, however certain copyright restrictions do apply; please read the "Licensing Information" at the
用grads处理grib格式文件的准备 WHAT IS GRIB? GRIB (GRIdded Binary) is an international, public, binary format for the efficient storage of meteorological/oceanographic variables. Typically, GRIB data consists of a sequence of 2-D (lon,lat) chunks of a (in most