1硬件初始化,与CPU相关的配置,SSIO功能设置2SD卡的数据包、命令索引表和命令回应3命令相应的实现,读写SD卡,命令协议的封包拆包4SD卡配置的相关结构体信息分析(CID、CSD)-a hardware initialization, and the CPU configuration, SSIO 2SD cards feature set of data packets, orders table and orders to respond to three orders corres
注意:csdn上传错误。。导致我的第一个文件丢失。。。 请下载此文件后,先解压出此文件。。然后,再解压7个文件。 其它部分见: http://download.csdn.net/user/nwzai/all/1 我的博客: blog.csdn.net/nwzai/ 主要内容: l CPU's from the 8086/8088 to the Pentium III and Athlon l Real, protected and virtual models l Windows and pl
SI4432 无线协议EZMac,实现433M无线组网,
- Added Si10xx motherboard platform support
- EZHOP can use all 50 channels at all data rates
- Per current regulations, EZHOP is currently only designed to operate in the 915 MHz band
- Added hardware platform definition