Welcome to the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit! Included in this package: * AjaxControlToolkit - A set of sample ASP.NET AJAX controls and source * SampleWebsite - A web site that demonstrates how to use the controls and contains the rest of the Toolki
1,ATLAux.zipA set of VC++ helpers and patterns to help automate some routine coding tasks.(35KB)2,CltnWizard.zipATL object wizard that creates a collection of other COM objects(37KB)3,gridctrlatl.zip& lt;br>A grid control for displaying tabular d
1,01.zipLeveraging C++ Applications Using COM使用COM提高C++应用程序的性能(8KB)2,02.zipHOWTO Configure DCOM Timeouts如何配置DCOM的超时设定(13KB)3,03.zipDllUnregisterServer for MFC-based COM d lls基于MFC的COM动态库的DllUnregisterServer实现(6KB)4,04.zipAn Extension of the Document
1,01.zipDialogs in DLL在DLL中实现对话框(5KB)2,02.zipExport dialogs in MFC Extension DLLs在MFC扩充DLL中输出对话框(12KB)3,03.zipRemapping resource scr ipt ID's重影象资源的标识符(4KB)4,04.zipDetermine DLL version number检测DLL的版本号(7KB)5,05.zipGetting the complete information abo
1,01.zipCalling Stored Procedures调用存储过程(8KB)2,02.zipCreate Access data source name dynamically动态创建Access的数据源名(5KB)3,03.zipUsing DAO to read data sources other than MS Acc ess使用DAO读MS Access以外的数据源(6KB)4,04.zipHow to use RecordSets without using the A
1,01.zipDisplaying a 256 color bitmap在程序中显示256色的位图(6KB)2,02.zipCreating a bitmap object from a BMP file从位图文件中创建位图对象(6KB)3,03.zipAn auto-sizing bitmap picture control一个自适应大小的位图控件(16KB)4,04.zipWriting a bitmap to a BMP file将一个位图写到BMP文件中(11KB)5,05.zipB
1,pop3.zipCPop3Connection - an MFC Class to encapsulate the POP3 protocol(15KB)2,ipenum.zipIPEnum - an MFC class and console app to allow IP address enumeration(11KB)3,smtp.zipCSMTPConnectio n - an MFC Class to encapsulate the SMTP protocol(21KB)4,p
1,01.zipOutput显示所有的调试信息(5KB)2,02.zipSome general debugging tips一般的调试技巧(11KB)3,03.zipDebugging ISAPI extension调试ISAPI扩展(4KB)4,04.zip<br&g t;LibDump类似DumpBin的工具(10KB)5,05.zipFinding memory leaks发现内存的泄漏(6KB)6,06.zipConvert message ID to a string将消息标
Utilities for Windows NT Besides my research work I am responsible for a couple of computers at the physics department of the University of Mainz which are running under Windows NT. Therefore I started developing some utilities which I think are mis
JQuery Plotter图表类库 v1.5源码 源码描述 现在网络上有大量的Javascr ipt图表类库。 本源码在演示如何整合Javascr ipt图表类库在ASP.NET(Adam.JSGenerator),如何建立客户图表取决于您的需要。 已经修正之前版本中出现的问题。并添加了许多新功能 来自51ASPXIn the version 1.5, you can choose any datasouce. In the previous versions and the first t
how to Set to IPHONEX:
1. Open in Chrome
2. Press F12
3. set as IPHONEX(you can find in top part)
Patient Side : https://mergency.herokuapp.com/
Helper Side : https://mer
ClickHouse:registered: is an open-source column-oriented database management system that allows generating analytical data reports in real time.
Useful Links
has quick high-level overview of ClickHouse on main page.
shows how to set up and query sm
Read this in other languages: , :South_Korea:
QXlsx is excel file(*.xlsx) reader/writer library.
Because QtXlsx is no longer supported(2014), I created a new project that is based on QtXlsx. (2017-)
Development language of QXlsx is C++. (with Q