PostgreSQL 9.4 adds a new unstructured data type, JSONB, a variant of JSON optimized for storing objects. JSONB complements the existing XML and JSON document objects, as well as HSTORE. Which one is right for you? We'll take a tour of the features
PostgreSQL is one of the most powerful and easy to use database management systems. It has strong support from the community and is being actively developed with a new release every year. PostgreSQL supports the most advanced features included in SQ
osm2pgsql Unoffical builds for Windows,Win64 * Converts OSM files to a PostgreSQL DB * Conversion of tags to columns is configurable in the style file * Able to read .gz, .bz2, .pbf and .o5m files directly * Can apply diffs to keep the database up t
pq 是一个纯 Go 语言实现的 PostgreSQL 数据库客户端驱动包。 特性: SSL Handles bad connections for database/sql Scan time.Time correctly (i.e. timestamp[tz], time[tz], date) Scan binary blobs correctly (i.e. bytea) Package for hstore support COPY FROM support pq.ParseURL f
Instalar Express,pg pg-hstore e sequelize instalar sequelize-cli -D> nos da uma interface de linha de comando pra fazer alguns comandos no sequelizeprasriaçãode migrations sequelize -h> eu vejo todos os comarso
安装nodemon -D> toda v
npm init -y
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npm i express
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npm i dotenv
Crea un archivo“ .env” en la carpetaraízdel proyecto
DB Postgres的咨询服务
npm i pg pg-hstore
SQL Server安装指南,SQL指南,SQL版本,SQL版本
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npm i sequelize