—The main goal of this work is to propose a haptics guideline in human-robot systems focused on the relationship between the human and robot task, the use of a physical interface and the object to manipulate. With this aim, this guideline presents t
This book provides an introduction to the foundations of three-dimensional computer vision and describes recent contributions to the field. Geometric methods include linear and bundle adjustment based approaches to scene reconstruction and camera ca
Robotics research and technology development have been on the road to grow and advance for almost half a century. The history of expedition can be divided into three major periods: the early era, the middle age and the recent years. The official def
Since Walter’s Turtles, technology has come a long way and we can now boast of state-of-the-art robots, such as ASIMO, PR2, NaO and Pepper. My interest in this field of study, which has taken on obsessive proportions, is due to my academic backgroun
This Springer Brief examines the combination of computer vision techniques and machine learning algorithms necessary for humanoid robots to develop "true consciousness." It illustrates the critical first step towards reaching "deep learning," long c
We introduce new, fine-grained action and emotion recognition tasks defined on non-staged videos, recorded during robot-assisted therapy sessions of children with autism. The tasks present several challenges: a large dataset with long videos, a larg
This book provides readers with a solid set of diversified and essential tools for the theoretical modeling and control of complex robotic systems, as well as for digital human modeling and realistic motion generation. Following a comprehensive intr