《游戏编程精粹》光盘源代码Author: Steve Rabin E-mail: stevera@noa.nintendo.com Last revised: 5-20-00 This MS Visual C++ project is the AI engine described in the book Game Programming Gems within the article "Designing a General Robust AI Engine". Please r efer
Table of Contents Beginning C++ Game Programming Introduction Chapter 1 - Types, Variables, and Standard I/O—Lost Fortune Chapter 2 - Truth, Branching, and the Game Loop—Guess My Number Chapter 3 - For Loops, String, and Arrays—Word Jumble Chapter 4
DirectX最初是为游戏开发而推出的,编制游戏的程序员都很贪婪,他们会尽量榨取系统资源,并试图让自己的程序永远具有最高的效率。但Windows是一个多任务的操作系统,当它发现所有的程序都处于空闲时,便会减少给这些程序的资源,其中之一就是开始清理交换文件,为了让自己的程序给Windows以始终繁忙的假象,不妨用一些新的代码来代替常规的方法。 这是常规的消息循环处理 while(GetMessage(&msg,NULL,NULL,NULL)){ TranslateMessage(&msg); D
This book is divided into five main parts. Part 1 gives an overview of the tools and skills you'll need to write games. It also covers the most basic programming concepts. Part 2 dives into object-oriented programming, which is a style of programmin
编程之道 The Silent Void Book One Thus spake the master programmer: 编程大师如是说: "When you have learned to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you to leave." “当你从我手中夺走水晶球时,就是你离开的时候了。” 1.1 Something mysterious is formed, born in th