Crystal Reports?9 continues to deliver innovative reporting technology to address current development trends and challenges. More than 50 new features and enhancements are provided in this latest release! More control over data connectivity Unlimite
H Y D R A (c) 2001-2012 by van Hauser / THC co-maintained by David (dot) Maciejak @ gmail (dot) com BFG code by Jan Dlabal Licensed under GPLv3 (see LICENSE file) INTRODUCTION ------------ Number one of the biggest security hole
惠普iPAQ随身电脑利用无线企业邮件服务提供针对邮件、联系人、日历及任务的远程和基于本地服务器的同步服务。为在移动设备与企业数据之间进行数据同步提供了一个可靠、安全和优化的无线接入方式。它基于HTTP协议,支持CDPD、GSM、GPRS、CDMA以及将来的3G等等网络,可以使用装有Windows CE 操作系统的移动设备与业界领先的群件(包括微软的Exchange和 lotus的 Domino服务器)进行同步。