IE Transparency Hack Internet Explorer has flawed PNG handling, meaning that alpha-transparent PNGs have a flat grey background. Fortunately there is a way to fix this - by applying a DirectX filter to PNG images. If you want further details about t
jQuery-Recipes-Your-Mom-Should-Know 是一组简单的 jQuery 片段列表,简单到你妈都能搞懂。它有以下功能:回到顶层按钮预载入图像图像加载后检查自动修复破损图像悬停切换类禁用输入字段停止链接的加载简单的手风琴两个同样高度的 Div示例代码:$.preloadImages = function () { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i ) { $().attr(src, argument