使用GVF域和VFC域进行图片分割 % Vector field convolution (VFC) external force field example. % % See also AMT, EXAMPLE_PIG, AM_VFC, AM_VFK, AC_DISPLAY. % % Reference % [1] Bing Li and Scott T. Acton, "Active contour external force using % vector field convoluti
PCA带图像% Face recognition by Santiago Serrano %人脸识别代码 clear all close all clc % number of images on your training set. %训练集数目 M=10; %Chosen std and mean. %It can be any number that it is close to the std and mean of most of the images. um=100; ustd=8
This distribution contains routines for manipulating files formatted according to the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) standard. Matlab's built-in IMREAD and IMWRITE functions provide basic conversion between JPEG files and image arrays. The