Abstract—In video surveillance, detection of moving objects from an image sequence is very important for target tracking, activity recognition, and behavior understanding. Background subtraction is a very popular approach for foreground segmentation
A novel positioning method based on GPS technology in a space where GPS signal can't be received is discussed. If positioning by using GPS receiver is possible even in such spaces, a seamless location on ground surfaces, inside buildings, in undergr
Abstract:This paper analyzes the potential eHor sources in the indOOr test system fOr baSe station antenna and proves theOretically that the abSOrber charnber haS a11 important influence on the measuring results(Voltage Standing WaVe Ratjo—VSWR,IS01
Topology control can reduce power consumption and chan- nel contention in wireless sensor networks by adjusting the transmission power. However, topology control for wire- less sensor networks faces signi cant challenges, especially in indoor enviro
Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics Volume 23 - Environment Learning for Indoor Mobile Robots A Stochastic State Estimation Approach to Simultaneous Localization and Map Building.
Wireless Indoor Tracking System A wireless indoor tracking system is described in this paper, which can be used to track and locate both moving and static WLAN-enabled devices inside a building. The system is purely software based, which means an ad